Aye-ya Allah!
Last week I was returning my rental car to Glasgow airport and I think I made the pretty definite statement that blind people shouldn't be allowed to drive, look what happened:

As my pants caught fire many people thought I was yelling "Allah, Allah" but I was actually yelling "Aye-ya Aye-ya.... yafuckinbastard ma troosers are on fire!"....
Oh I'm sorry, I shouldn't make a joke of this situation as it is obviously deadly serious but we live in such a fucked up world now that my sense of humor is becoming more warped as everyday events becomes more warped. In truth, the only good thing that has come out of the events in Glasgow and London last week is that no-one was killed.
It's a shame too that with the long drawn out death of Tony Blair's Premiership now over, I thought I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Gordon Brown may not be that much different but I'd be surprised if he's any worse. I already like the fact that he is talking about taking power away from the executive and putting it back into the hands of Parliament, that's a step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned.
Things on this side of the Atlantic continue their inevitable march towards a racist right wing theocracy. Last week the Supreme court rolled back one of the prime pieces of Civil Rights legislation in basically overturning Brown vs the Board of Education. You can read an interesting NY Times article here.
The court claims that the decision is based on the fact that an integrated society should embrace colorblindness as a way to continue but the fact is that America is still a very racist place (It has only been 44 years since Martin Luther King delivered his "I Have A Dream speech) and colorblindness in this society does not exist.
In the town I live in you can literally see the color line. One street in one direction and everyone is White or Asian, one street in the other direction and everyone is Black. I'm not joking when I say it is that clearly defined. As far as I am concerned last weeks Supreme Court decision will enforce that color line and increase the gap between the have and have-nots. It saddens me immensely.
'As my pants caught fire many people thought I was yelling "Allah, Allah" but I was actually yelling "Aye-ya Aye-ya....'
Dave, I did laugh out loud (loudly) at this!!!
Yer a man with a twisted sense of humour but these days I think retaining that sense of humour is what's going to be our way out of today's current drive towards the homogeneous culture.
'As my pants caught fire many people thought I was yelling "Allah, Allah" but I was actually yelling "Aye-ya Aye-ya....' does this translate as funny in down town New York?
Hope yer doing just fabby.
Roy (Edinburgh)
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