Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Life is just plain weird

The idea that astronauts will train for years only to have learn to crap in a nappy as part of their job was the thought that made me spray my morning coffee over the pages of the New York Times.

It concerns this story obviously. A fairly straightforward crime of passion that has unfortunately been shoved to the front page by a nappy! I mean, if she was just a "Hell hath no fury like a woman spurned" story then this story would never have made it out of the Fartville Sentinel.

It's a strange story all in all but it's the nappy that really gets me. Did she really need to save the 3 minutes it would take to go to the bathroom in order to go nutso on the poor lady she assaulted. It's one thing to be pepper-sprayed in the face, it's quite another thing to be pepper-sprayed by a nappy wearing astronaut who smells like poop. Also, it makes me wonder what the inside of the space shuttle smells like after these guys have been couped up in it for 3 weeks. Also what if you accidentally let go of the (now full) nappy under weightless conditions? I think we should be renaming it "The Space Shittle".

"I've been pooped up in the Space Shittle for 3 weeks". Nice.......


At 7:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Think the NASA psychologists may have messed up there or maybe girls just shouldn't be astranauts

At 11:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe NASA should just dump candidates that admit they like wearing nappies.


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