Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Oscars

I spent last Sunday night watching the snooze-fest that was the Oscars, a strange thing to do considering I haven't been to the cinema in over a year and have not seen a single one of the films nominated.

Because of this I think I might be going a bit soft in the head as I find myself analyzing dress styles and saying "Ooo, she's lost a lot of weight!" to the baby, who of course looks at me like a dog that has just been shown a card-trick.

What is it about this tabloid shite that gets in your head and makes you want to jump in and play with these cultural train-wrecks. Who cares if Britney Spears wants to shave her head or Anna-Nicole's tits explode? I get annoyed with myself when I find my brain-cells being used up with piffle like this! This post being another perfect example.

I saw Jennifeerr Hudson getting her best supporting actress oscar and for a second I thought "Good for her! She used to work in Burger King y'know! She was also a finalist on American Idol but never won. She sings in a gospel choir......" asd so on and on....

I can't remember my own phone number on a good day so why do I know this shite? The commentator said "Jennifer Hudson has had a meteoric rise to fame". For a moment I stared at the baby, who stared back at me, blew a raspberry and promptly went back to chewing on the remote control (which I remove the batteries from as she seems to want to watch Oprah all the time).

"Meteoric RISE"? When was the last time you saw a meteor fly UP the way? Meteors are known for their falling abilities. They are also known for burning up on the way down to Earth. Considering the situation that Britney "Asparagus" Spears has got herself into, maybe there is something in the meteor metaphor after all.


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