Back on the Bevvy
On the drinking front I’ve been a good boy lately but now that my training is coming to an end I am starting to explore the pubs in my new ‘hood.
Around the corner, across from Morgans a.k.a The Worst Deli in the world, stands the “Reade Street Pub”. I was surprised to find this place as it is a regular bar hidden among the millionaires condos and fancy restaurants that make up Tribeca. Indeed, the first time I was in The Reade Street, a limo pulled up at the restaurant across the road and some bald guy in a cowboy hat got out pursued by paparazzi and fans, I think it was Bruce Willis but I really could care less……….
The bar was being minded by an old Irish guy named Mike who bore a resemblance to the actor Robert Duvall. He seemed sweet enough and was pretty chatty. Another helicopter had just crashed into the East River (the second in a week, only in NYC is this not seen as a sign of the impending apocalypse) so we shot the breeze on that for a bit and I ordered the house beer “The Reade Street Ale”.
At $3.25 a pint it was cheapest beer I’d had in a while and to my surprise, it was dark, fruity and strong. I liked it.
“Do you brew it yourselves?” I asked Mike.
He explained that one of the local breweries churns this shit out unnamed and then sells the kegs of so you can name it whatever you like.
“Gimmie one’a those Dogshite Ales!”.
I’m slightly flabbergasted by this revelation as I always order house specialty beers when I hit a new pub. Does this mean I’ve been drinking the same shit all along without realizing it? It’s like finding out you cat is actually a dog in a cat suit!
Not for the first time in my life, I feel like I'm being lied to!