Tuesday, January 01, 2013

I don't know where last year went.  I started about 4 or 5 posts but never actually published anything.  I'd like to say that they didn't meet some kind of high editorial standard but to be honest all of them were just half formed ideas that never got completed.

I had a good year, just not a very exciting one and I'm not the kind of person who can write about mundane things even though my definition of a mundane thing might slightly different from yours.  I'm not the "A funny thing happened to me on the way to the theater" storyteller, I like the absurd, the surreal and the harmless.

I turned 40 in March and in April ended up in the emergency room with an asthma attack, my first one in 12 years.  This prompted a bit of soul searching as I had not only aged a decade, I was also the heaviest I'd ever been and completely out of shape.

Because of this I then spent a good deal of the summer walking the NYC Greenway and then after that just kept on walking.  By the end of October, and by the reckoning of the little app on my phone that tracks me like a student loan debt collector, I had walked about 370 miles.  I ended the year feeling in slightly better shape than I have in a long time.  I will endeavor to keep this up throughout 2013.

On the current affairs front it was an election year, and although I had plenty of bad things to say about Mitt Romney, I did not have many good things to say about Barak Obama so I generally kept my head down hoping Obama would win but only because I was more afraid of the other guy.  This is not democracy, it's a 2-party card game with a marked deck.

The year ended on a rough note with the 2 Sandy's.  Hurricane Sandy which had me living at work for 5 days and provided me with a few images that I will never forget, and then the Sandy Hook School shooting which was just too unspeakably horrible.  The name Sandy needs to go in the bin with Adolf, no more Sandys please.

And now I think I am up-to-date.  12 months in 6 paragraphs.  Not bad at all.


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