Genocidal Facial Hair
Another month goes by and my typing fingers are rustier than ever. I seem to be turning into the blogging equivalent of the silent guy at the end of the bar who watches TV with the sound down, occasionally grunting to the barman for another pint.
At least it was a good month. The little one turned 2 and many drinks were sunk in celebration... by the adults that is... not the kids. The kids don't get to get drunk because those mini-bar bottles are too damn expensive. She's only two but I struggle to remember a time when she was not there.
Anyway, enough prattling about the baby, who the hell wants to hear that? Radovan Karadzic was captured!! Woo-hoo! Some natty facial hair on the guy when they found him too.
Does being a genocidal maniac increase your ability to grow a full-beard? First Sadam and now Rub-a-dub.

In Karadzic's case it seems that he was a practitioner of "alternative medicine".
I had to laugh when I read that. Nothing says genocidal nutjob like "accupunture". It kind of ties in with the fact that Hitler was a vegetarian. What next? Transcendental meditation with Robert Mugabe? Yoga with Osama Bin Laden? Aromatherapy with George W. Bush?
All joking aside, it does the karmic universe the world of good every now and then to pick up the paper and see these fuckers heading for jail. If it brings peace to even just one of their victims then it would have been worth it.
Okay that's me. I'm off to order a piss-water beer and watch baseball with the sound turned down while Billy Joel warbles "Piano Man" on the jukebox and my skin gets whiter and my teeth get tanned.