Sunday, June 18, 2006

Back To life

"Blinking lights on the airplane wings
Up above the trees
Blinking down a morse code signal
Especially for me

Ain't no rainbow in the sky
In the middle of the night
But the signal's coming through
One day i will be alright again"

"Blinking Lights (For Me)" by The Eels

I'm having a hard time writing right now. You see, my Mum passed away on May 31st and my daughter is due on July 9th. I came back from the funeral in Scotland to go to a baby shower in New York a day later. An emotional numbness has set in and my head just keeps saying "Stop the bus I want to get off!".

The Eels song above has been playing almost constantly in my head and on my headphones. Music has incredible healing powers and sometimes you just need to lose yourself in it for a while to see that nothing is as sad as it seems. Just don't come at me with "Remember there is always someone worse off than yourself!" or you'll get my standard Basil Fawlty response: "Yeah? Well I'd like to meet him I could use a good laugh!".

A lot of thoughts and images have been running through my head in the last 3 weeks, most of which I am sure have some kind of lesson involved that I haven't quite worked out yet. I have written a lot of stuff down but it is a fractured narrative and mostly too personal or too fragile to print yet.

All I can say is that it was a great comfort to have my family around me and without their strength I know I would not have been able to deal with the situation. Harry, Michael, Anne, John and Isabel, Thank You... I love you all.


At 6:59 PM , Blogger Ginny said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's passing. What a difficult time it must be for you and your family.

Keep strong. Things do get better in time - you'll be able look back and remember all the good things and smile.

At 7:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love you too from Sis xx


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