Tuesday, May 02, 2006


To all the people in the UK who don't know who Stephen Colbert is, think of the old fake news show "The Day Today" with Chris Morris and you'll get the idea. In this case Colbert lampoons the kind of right-wing talking heads you find on FAUX News. He has an opinion on everything, especially things he knows nothing about.

So when I read that Steven Colbert was invited to the White House Correspondants dinner I thought it was weird. Don't tell me he sold out!!! Well now it seems they were not amused when he said "I admire President Bush because he still believes on Wednesday, the same thing he believed on Monday. Despite what happened on Tuesday".

He also advised Bush to ignore his lousy approval ratings because they were based on reality "and reality has a well-known liberal bias."

Turns out Bush was not the only one squirming, he had a few choice words to say about the Washington Press Corp, and considering it was their dinner that was tantamount to taking a dump in their beers.

He said: "The president makes decisions . . . the press secretary announces those decisions, and you people of the press type those decisions." In your spare time, he advised them, "write that novel you got kicking around in your head — you know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration. You know — fiction."

Good for him. I hate the White House press corp, they deserve it. They have a responsibility to report the facts as they stand. not as they are presented. I read about 7 or 8 different sources of news every morning (I am a confirmed news junkie) and I am always shocked by how many so-called different news organisations report things word for word right off the officail press releases. It's enough to make you start believing the blogs before the papers.



At 5:00 PM , Blogger Ginny said...

I haven't watched The Colbert Report for quite awhile. I must say I do prefer The Daily Show, but even better is Canada's Rick Mercer Report (formerly The Monday Report). You can watch some clips here... http://www.cbc.ca/mercerreport/


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