Ivor and Ali R.I.P.

The big news in all the American papers today is the death of Dana Reeve, widow of Superman actor Christopher Reeve. Sad as this is, it was two other deaths today that caught my eye - Scottish poet and humorist Ivor Cutler and Malian musician Ali Farka Toure.
Both these guys were people at the periphery of my record collection but they were artists who I returned to frequently when I felt the need for a cleansing of the palatte. Ivor Cutler for his absurd outlook on life, particulary Scottish life, and Ali Farka Toure because his album "The Source" was the most played cassette on an inter-rail trip I did round Europe back in the mid-90's.
i can still listen to this album and close my eyes and see out the window of a train rolling across the hot and dusty landscape of Andalucia towards Sothern Spain and the boat to North Africa. It was probably the best holiday I've ever taken and a life changing experience. Ali, along with Salif Kieta and Mori Kante, is the reason that if I ever take another trip to Africa in my lifetime I want to go to Mali. No other African country has given us such great music. Thank you Ali Farka Toure.
As for Ivor, the man speaks for himself: "Imperfection is an end; perfection is only an aim".
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