Saturday, January 28, 2006

Isn't Democracy Wonderful?

George Bush said He was going to introduce democracy to the Middle-East and it seems like for once in his life he has played a doozy! The elections in Palestine were considered generally free and fair and a great example of how democracy works! The party that won are known for their social programs and community outreach centers, oh, and who could forget... their suicide bombers! Don't they look so cute in those lovely puffy vests! Oh yes they do!!!

Good job George! Once again democracy triumphs! Just like in Venezuela, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia, all countries that elected left-wing governments in the last 5 years! Even Che Guevara couldn't spread socialism this fast George!

And let's not forget our friendly fundamentalists in the Middle East! Things are going spiffingly well in Iraq, so well in fact that America has decided that there is no longer any need to commit any funds to rebuilding the place!!!

Afghanistan is getting better too! Business at The Hard Rock Cafe in Kandahar is booming, or should that be exploding? The border areas around Pakistan are lovely at this time of year with displaced earthquake victims and the soothing drones of Predator aircraft overhead! Whatever you do, don't have a dinner party because Mr Hellfire may just come-a-callin!

So congratulations again George! A job well-done!


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