Saturday, April 15, 2006

Talkin' Disability Taxi Fare Blues

The summer has arrived early on the East Coast. We are luxuriating in gorgeous 70 degree weather, well at least most people are, I am currently sitting at work in a room with no real windows and a huge air conditioner. I work from Noon - Midnight on Saturdays thereby missing all the good weather! I think am developing rickets and pretty soon I should be able to get on a horse without having to open my legs...

Unfortunately, missing all the nice weather is not the only thing stressing me out. I seem to have manage to start a war with my local late-night taxi drivers in Jersey City. It's a long story but basically it boils down to this - disabled people and senior citizen are supposed to get half-price taxi fares in my town at all times except during rush hour. I am registered disabled, I have ID, and I'm entitled to that fare!

I get back to Journal Square in Jersey City at 1245AM and EVERY NIGHT I have to fight with the driver for my discount fare - I've heard every excuse from it doesn't apply after midnight (It does) to I'm not going far enough to get the discount (distance has absolutely nothing to do with it). I've had these arguements so much now and I've been left standing on the sidewalk more than a few times - it's really starting to wear me down. I've paid full-fare and gotten the cab drivers number and license then reported him but it doesn't seem to make any difference - if anything, I get left behind even more now!

The difference between full-fare and half-fare is only 3 dollars and I can afford to pay it but it seems to me that this is not the point. To me, this is a civil rights issue. Discrimination against disabled people is every bit as bad as discrimination against someone because of their race or creed. It's just wrong.

I've tried to explain to the drivers thatI would drive if I could, hell I would walk if I could (it's too dark at this time - during the day I happily walk it), but none of them seem to care.

So anyway, I think I am going to change tact. I have researched the name of my local council woman and plan to write to her this week regarding the issue. I am also planning an op-ed piece for the local paper with a veiw to getting the rules changed so that there are NO opt out times for half-fares. Senior citizens and disabled people should ALWAYS be half-fare!

i just want what is due to me, is that too much to ask?


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