Oil Price Blues
Spent this morning reading an article in Rolling Stone magazine entitled "The Worst President Ever", of course reffering to Dubya. It was written by Princeton historian Sean Wilentz and compared him to other White House fuck-ups like Nixon. It was a good article but it struck me as a little bit "too little too late". Where was Rolling Stone and the rest of the media 2 years ago when this guy got re-elected?
George Clooney gave an interview a while back where he attacked the press and the Democratic Party for not questioning Bush's rationale for starting the war in Iraq. He basically said that if he, an actor, could see the guy was lying, then why couldn't the press and politicos? Cowards!!! They were basically scared of being called "Unpatriotic". What's wrong with being unpatriotic? Especially if your country is the world's biggest bully?
I am what I call "A 90 minute Patriot", as soon as the football game is over, and Scotland have inevitably lost, the flag is lowered and the Planet Earth goes back to being round.
"Too little too late" is actually a good hrase for summing up this week, yesterday was Earth Day and Bush was out promoting alternative fuels. What? This guy does not believe in global warming, why should he give a fuck? Oh yeah, oil went to $75 a barrel this week and even though that makes his buddies loads of money it kinda makes him look bad with the average guy on the street who can no longer drive to the grocery store.
It's a bit of a laugh to see Americans complaining about $3 prices when they have been twice as much as that in Europe for some time. Time to ditch the $60 a tank SUV and get yorself a Smartcar Mr and Mrs Wallmart. What do you think will happen when this...

meets this..............

Save the Environment, save money and lose weight! Maybe high priced oil ain't so bad after all!
Oh you're too funny!
I think I read that same article in MacLean's magazine entitled "The Worst President in 100 Years".
Hey, exactly what species of mushroom were you referring to in Northern BC? ;)
smartcars are definately the way to go with these high and INCREASING oil prices. Whats the point of big cars now since theres high traffic everywhere and no parking?
The Smart Cars are already available in the US from ZAP www.zapworld.com ZP (NYSE). A California based company who imports, retrofits, and then distributes the Smart Cars to their dealers. Zap is also planning on bringing a Brazilian made car to the US, the Obvio! 828, that is a hybrid that can run on any combination of ethanol and gas. Zap is also the only car company who is selling a Chinese manufactured car in the US the 100% electric Xebra city car .
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