Blair losing it.......
I was going to take down the photo of Tony Blair taking the asthma test because I started feeling it was a bit crass and unfair, however, after what I just read in the paper this morning I wish I could plaster the picture on every lamppost in the UK.
Tony Blair has officially, finally and completely lost it! He is going after the judiciary and human rights law in the UK by saying that the government should have the right to override court rulings that it considers "barmy"
According to The Observer, it is essential to 'ensure the law-abiding majority can live without fear'. Yeah? Well what happens when the person we fear the most is YOU Mr Blair?
What happened to this guy? This is the same crap that Presidunce Bush is trying to pull here in the US. El Presidunce blatantly ignores laws (see "Domestic Spying") or stacks the Supreme Court with judges that have his political views. Now it looks like Poodle Blair will try to imitate his master.
Laws and the judiciary are the only things that stand between us and dictatorship. Watching these slow drifts in that direction are disturbing. It's enough to make the paranoid conspiracy freak in me start thinking that these similarities in rhetoric from both sides of the Atlantic are not coincidence, and that the Corporation who really run the world are starting to crack down on free thinking.
Speaking of which - if you have ever called me at my home number, the National Security Agency now has a record of that call. Thanks to my phone company Verizon who handed over al their call records WITHOUT a subpoena from the justice department. They say they are only interested in particular calls but hey, who is to say that the shawarma restaurant I used to call every week for a food delivery wasn't one of their places of interest??? Send to Guantanamo Bay for ordering a chicken kebab! Just my luck............
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