Friday, May 26, 2006

More reality.........

Everyday I climb off the PATH train fron NJ at the World Trade Center and walk the few blocks up to my work. Everyday I have to negotiate the throngs of people who are gawking at the big hole in the ground caused by 9/11.

hey stand around somberly reading all the statistics and information posted about that day and every now and then they will lean against the fence and bow their heads. More often though, they will be laughing and taking pictures, throwing crazy poses and pointing to the sign above the PATH station that reads "World Trade Center".

To me, this is another continuation of the Un-reality TV generation. I would almost guarantee you that none of the people doing this are New Yorkers. To these people, 9/11 was something that happened inside their TV sets like Fear Factor or Survivor, unlike the New Yorkers who were here that day and if they didn't lose a loved one, they know someone who did.

They wear the Stars and Stripes or "United We Stand" T-shirts manufactured in Chinese sweatshops and purchase little crystal Twin Towers sculptures off the street vendors, where that money goes who knows, and more importantly for them, who cares.

I've finally reached my breaking point with these morons. I wish I could attatch little blades to my blindman's cane and hack my way through their jungle of stupidity. Maybe attatch it to an electrical current and use it like a cattle prod!

Unfortunately I can't, so I content myself with walking in front of them when they are taking pictures, and occasionally, by walking headfirst into a meathead or two shouting "BLINDMAN COMING THROUGH!!!". A swift whack on the ankles usually scatters them to the wind.


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