Thursday, September 01, 2005

Meditate on this you Fucking Fuck!

I found this interesting snippet in the NY Post (worst Paper on the East Coast) - Yeah I know that rhymes, it's a quote from a Public Enemy song. Anyway I never read the Post except when I find it lying around at work and I can't find my gun.

Nice to know that this paper, which supports Bush's policy of "Intelligent design" thinks that David Lynch is mad for trying to make the world a better place. We can all agree that trying to make the world a better place is just complete madness right?

Anyway in case you forgot, here is a quote from David Lynch's "Blue Velvet", I can't believe we are talking about the same guy here but all kudos to hi,....

Frank Booth: "I'll send you a love letter! Straight from my heart, fucker! You know what a love letter is? It's a bullet from a fucking gun, fucker! You receive a love letter from me, you're fucked forever! You understand, fuck? I'll send you straight to hell, fucker!".

NY Post July 21, 2005

IF you think Tom Cruise is wild about Scientology and Madonna is crazy about Kabbalah, eccentric filmmaker David Lynch is about to give both of them a run for their money.

Tomorrow, the Oscar-nominated director of such graphically violent movies as "Blue Velvet" and "Mulholland Drive" is announcing the formation of the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace.

Lynch has been a devotee of transcendental meditation and its founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, for 32 years. The foundation he'll launch with his own money will fund schools to set up transcendental meditation (or "TM") classes and pay for research on the effects of the yoga technique on the "brain and body." Lynch hopes to raise $7 billion within a year.

"This is not a pretend thing," Lynch told PAGE SIX's Steve Garbarino. "Our government spends seven times that on killing, calling it defending, and making machinery and technology to kill human beings in the name of peace."

Despite "hating speaking in public," Lynch, 59, says he decided "to stop being quiet" about his passion for the 47-year-old Hindu chanting technique after observing the sad state of education in U.S. schools.

Today's students "are even more stressed out. Their schools are hellholes," he goes on. "They're getting pathetic educations. They're not going forward with full decks of cards."

Students who meditate, he says, "will start shining like a bright, shiny penny, and their anxieties will go away. By diving within, they will attain a field of pure consciousness, pure bliss, creativity, intelligence, dynamic peace. You enliven the field, and every day it gets better. Negativity recedes."

Lynch eventually hopes to organize "peace-creating super groups of 8,000 meditators" around the globe, all chanting simultaneously. Why 8,000? "It's the size of the square root of one percent of the world's population."

Quick to point out that "TM" is not a "religion" of "clones" but a "mental technique to dive within," he'll only say of Scientology and Kabbalah, "I don't know enough about either to comment. People believe in what they believe in, and that's a beautiful thing."

Happily, Lynch hasn't given up his day job: He's working on his next flick, "Inland Empire," starring Laura Dern.


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