Saturday, May 24, 2008

Thoughts on Barack Obama

No matter who wins the next election here in the States, the long nightmare that has been the Bush/Cheney administration is almost over and this is something that I think the ENTIRE world will rejoice at.

Well maybe not the ENTIRE world... I don't think Osama Bin Laden will be celebrating as they have been the best thing that ever happened to him.

It feels to me like can finally see light at the end of the tunnel. Even if McCain wins the White House (Which I don't think he will), compared to the Bush administration, a McCain administration will feel like a breath of fresh air.

Initially I didn't really care who the democratic nominee was but now I'm rooting for Obama. In fact I was secretly rooting for him right after I watched his victory speech in the Iowa Primary back in January but I didn't want to jinx his chances. The man is a fantastic speaker. People say speeches don't get things done and that statement in itself may be true, but speeches do inspire and inspiration gets things done.

Obama is the best bet America has of trying to normalize its relations with the rest of the world. He understands that you don't achieve anything by excluding your enemies from the negotiating table as America has done for so long. He has said that he will normalize relations with Cuba and end the ridiculous blockade that has been going on for 40 years now. He has said that he will talk to Iran and North Korea without pre-condition. This to me seems like common sense but to the GOP it is tantamount to treason. Well, [adopt sarcastic voice] their way has worked really well so far.

Voting for Obama as President will also send a message that it is actually possible to succeed in America if you are not white. This is a country that is only a few generations removed from Jim Crow, if a Black man can become president in those few generations then it could show humanity that perhaps the American democratic system does work after all, something that was definitely in doubt after Bush/Gore.

In America Obama has the potential to be this generation's FDR (a new deal program that moves the country to green technology anyone?), and in the rest of the world he has the potential to be this generation's Ghandi. I know, I know, Ghandi is a bit much, but I am pinning a hell of a lot of hopes on the poor guy, I really hope he doesn't let me down.

The world really needs someone like that right now. Please let it happen.......


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