Sunday, March 20, 2005

Not a Dry Eye on St Paddy's (Except Mine)

So as I mentioned before I had an eye test on the morning of St Paddy's. Thankfully this is my last test for another year (now comes the fun part of getting all sorts of people involved in other aspects of my life now I am officially legally blind), but it was the freakiest test I've ever had.

It's basically and ERG of the eye, they attatch electrodes to you temples and mesure the electrical response of different parts of your eye. I've had this test before but this one had a new component: contact lenses with very fine wires attatched to them, you can see a picture below.

Of course I'm joking, that's a picture from the movie Clockwork Orange. However the contact lenses were real and they make it extremely uncomfortable to close your eyes, the consequence of which is that your eyes dry up like mad. I spent the rest of the day rubbing them and I can still feel it 3 days later as I write this. The results of the test were pretty dry too; there was all but no electrical response in my peripheral vision, my central vision is holding out though (for now) so that's good.

Meanwhile Satan appreared on a Turtle Shell in Indiana after burning down a pet store. You'd think Satan would better things to do! Lazy Bastard!


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