Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Bush, Hugo and Che

So the Bush tapes are locked away in the vault along with all the records from when he was Governor of Texas that have been sealed in his Daddy's library. As much as I can't stand him, this Fucker really is a genius when it comes to hiding the dirt. No President in history has gotten away with as much as this cold-blooded killer. We know Roosevelt hid his wheelchair for years and now we are talking about the fact that Lincoln may have been a homosexual, Bush is a pot-smoker and cokehead, oh wow, big fucking deal!!! Well, it is a big deal actually if you are attacking your opponents for the same thing but we'll let that slide.... How about talking about the fact that he is a killer, and I'm not just talking about the people of Iraq here. Just look at this list of the people he executed in Texas when he was governor. I knew he'd set the record for the most executions carried out by a Governor in US History but the dates still shocked me - there are sometimes 2 or 3 deaths in a week.

God, what a time we live in. My Brother said to me not long ago: "We are living through history", I suspect he is probably right. 100 years from now, the last 5 years and the next 5 years will be seen as a period when everything started to change (depending on your point of view, maybe it should be "when everything started unraveling"). Karl Marx predicted that one day Capitalism would collapse in on itself under the weight of it's own greed, that day seems to be drawing closer.

I read with interest that Uruguay has elected it's first ever Socialist President, and that along with Brazil's Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva, Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Argentina's Nestor Kirchner, Latin America is starting to line up the Lefties. Che might be dead but his dream lives on. I think we all might owe a debt to Hugo Chavez in the end, he has survived CIA-led coup attempts and various assassination threats from Washington and he still has the balls to tell the World Bank to go fuck itself. You can read Greg Palast's excellent story from Venezuela here.


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