Friday, February 04, 2005

Beers in the Hood.

Started off drinking in a pub called "The Three Jolly Pigeons" in my neighboirhood, I'm guessing it's called that because it is supposed to be an ironic visual description of the people who drink there! My local bars are all Budwieser and Miller holes (with a strong line in Bud-Light and Miller-light's for the ladies!) and I generally avoid them. The 3 JP's is the best pick of a bad bunch as it tends to have a few extra beers to choose from even if the barmaid has no idea what you are talking about.

"I'll have a Franzikaner please" says I.

"What?" says the Barmaid, like I'd just ordered an orange juice in a bar in Glasgow. "Oh! That's the german beer right?".

To avoid anymore embarassment I order a Brooklyn lager next. I can quite bring myself to order a Bud because, well it tastes like shite and makes me wanna pee every 5 minutes.

Brooklyn has a long history of brewing and it always seems to produce good beers. The guys who started the Brooklyn Brewery are very aware of this history and for some reason this love and interest in their product seems to make it taste better.


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