Friday, January 21, 2005

Missing the Monkey

So I took my own advice and stuck to English beers on Wednesday night. Fuck, never again! Boddingtons destroys me, I had forgotten that. Yesterday was Inauguration Day and the Monkey was sworn back in for another 4 years of fucking up the world. Thanks to Boddingtons I missed the whole thing! Sleep sleep and more sleep.

I do volunteer work once a month at a Food Coop and this morning I dragged my sorry arse out of bed at 5AM and struggled down there to pack pineapple rings and figs for 3 hours, during this time I heard snippets of the Monkey's speech! I cannot believe he made a bunch of reference to the "Sermon on the Mount", isn't this when Jesus said "Blessed are the Cheesemakers"? At least I guess that's what the Monkey heard... it obviously wasn't "Peacemakers" or in the Vice-Monkey's case "Pacemakers".

The Food Coop movement is a positivly Communist enterprise and possibly one of the great unsung heros of American life. Everyone is a volunteer, no labour overheads means cheaper food, most of it is organic and locally grown by small farmers. It is such a relief from the Tesco's and Walmart's of the world. I always wonder why I drag myself out of bed for this but when I get there and meet the other volunteers I remember: Karma


At 9:34 AM , Blogger Alistair Coleman said...


I read recently that you can pour vodka through a Brita water filter and it takes out the impurities that give you a hangover. I wonder if that works for beer too?

At 11:41 AM , Blogger Dave said...

The NYC micro-breweries specialise in gassy fruity beers like Pumpkin ale and Blueberry wheat beers, they are all actually very tasty in the summer but still freezing in the winter.

As for the Brita filter, you can use these to purify pee (just ask Madonna) but I doubt it works with beer - see the hangover causing part of drinking beer is actually caused by a condition known as "stopped drinking".


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