Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Stupid is as Stupid does.

I'm not gonna name names but the company I work for suck. I'm a satellite transmissions technician who spends half his day on the phone answering the stupidest questions ever dreamt up by some of the stupidest people on the planet; most of whom are earning more money than me.

I've always believed that if you have nothing intelligent to say then say nothing at all. Answering stupid questions all day definitely has an effect on you; eventually you will start acting stupid yourself. Because of this I am spending more and more time not talking, clam up before you fuck up!

Add this to my other disabilities, I have
Usher syndrome , and you have The Pinball Wizard. The Deaf, Dumb and Blind Kid.

New York City is loud. I am deaf and I still say that the City is loud, I can only imagine what hearing-ear people think. You get used to the sirens, the horn honking and the noise of traffic but you never get used to morons screaming into cell-phones. It's even better now that everyone has hands-free headsets and appear to be walking down the street talking to themselves (sometimes I'm sure they are!). In the old New York, if you saw a guy walking down the street screaming to himself "What the fuck man? Sell Sell Sell!", you'd cross the street to avoid him. Now it's acceptable behavior? Why? Because we are all getting stupider.

Is it coincidence that we have a President in this country who proudly admits he does not read the newspaper? Is it a coincidence that he has been re-elected? I doubt it....

Mobile phones fry your brain, I think we should just admit it. The recent report that you should not give a mobile phone to anyone under 8 years old, unfortunately did not state whether you should give a phone to someone with the intelligence of an eight year old.


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