Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Dirty Little Religion

I'm all for freedom of religious expression but what some people believe is just outright weird. I used to think that the Catholic Church was as extreme as it gets - they're not!

Here is a story about a NYC Rabbi who is giving babies herpes during circumcision because he uses his mouth to draw blood from the wound. How fucked up is that? One baby has died already. That's a commitment to religious beliefs (on the part of the Parents as well as the Rabbi) that I'll never understand.

I need to get to get back to drinking - speaking of which I am not the first person to combine drinking and religion (as if!), Trappist Monks have been doing it for centuries. Now we have a Trappist only bar in NYC called The Burp Castle. It's designed as a temple to beer and sells only Trappist ales. Damn are they good! The bartenders are dressed as monks (I feel sorry for them!) and you can't make too much noise, just appreciate the beer!

On another note, Punxsutawney Phil saw his knob and decided there would be 6 more weeks of Winter... sorry he saw his shadow on the wonderfully named Gobbler's Knob. What a fucking con! Of course there will be more winter, it's fucking February! Has this rodent ever said winter is over and the sun starts shining the next day? No! Let him out in April and let's see what the fat rat has to say! Rant rant rant.........


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