Saturday, October 07, 2006

Politics of Perversion

So it took a bunch of dirty emails by Mark Foley, the co-chairman of the Missing and Exploited Children Caucus to a bunch of 17-year old boys, to destabilze the Republican Party in this country. Not a war that is costing an estimated $100,000 every 20 minutes, not an estimated 50,000 civilian deaths in Iraq, not to mention military deaths on all sides. Not the useless Democratic Party.

Nope, not in America... what we really needed was "Maf54" asking "how my favorite young stud doing?".

I find myself wondering, of course Mark Foley is a big hypocrite, but I find myself asking, if he was sending dirty text messages to 17-year old GIRLS, would the country be as up in arms as it is? Who is the hypocrite then?

In the eyes of the media, sending dirty emails to girls will make you a dirty old man, sending them to boys makes you a perv. I say sending 17 year old kids off to die in an illegal war makes you a perv. I saw an ad on the side of a bus the other day that had a picture of a Marine on the battlefield and the caption "Just think of it as a school uniform". Now that's perverted. "Dying to Learn" would be my caption.

Oh well I guess I should just be glad the the Dumbya boat is finally sinking....


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