Monday, October 31, 2005

Me Lazy Bugger

I’ve been way too lazy lately to sit and write anything meaningful (hence the man raped by his dog post) but it’s been an exciting two weeks so and my hangover has finally worn off.

Firstly, I have to confess that nothing had brought me more pleasure than watching the wheels fall off the Bush war machine. To see Tom Delay’s smiling mug shot (apparently designed so it couldn’t be used in a Democratic political campaign) confirmed for me that these fucks really do think they are above the law. Shouldn’t He be more worried about being found guilty? The mug shot is only one thing, the headlines will speak for themselves.

Then watching Patrick Fitzgerald’s press conference after indicting the ridiculously named “Scooter” Libby on perjury and obstruction of justice charges, almost made me think that there IS hope for America!

What is it with American Politicians (actually I guess he is really a civil servant as nobody voted for him) with names like “Scooter”? Anyone remember Newt Gingrich? Who the hell wants a representative called “Newt”? Might be appropriate though as he was a right slimy bugger!

Anyway, it seems that if the checks and balances are in place in this system then there is hope that corrupt politicos will always get their comeuppance. Now we really know why the Christian Right is always screaming about “Activist Judges” - they are the only thing stopping the government from doing whatever it wants!

I’ve no doubt that Bush will circle the wagons but hopefully this is the beginning of the end.


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