Thursday, October 20, 2005

The End of the World is Nigh

In the wake of tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, and war, there has been a big upsurge of people who believe the end of the world is nigh. I’ve been reading a few articles about these loonies lately and unfortunately they are no longer the sandwich-board-carrying bell-ringer down the train station.

The evangelical Christian movement in this country have been dictating the politics here (and unfortunately around the world as well) for the last 6 years and they are mainly to blame for most of this shite.

This apparently is what they believe the end will be like: First there is the Rapture, in which God's loyal followers suddenly disappear from Earth and enter his kingdom. Then comes the Tribulation, a seven-year period of rule by the Antichrist and severe hardship on Earth. During this time, nonbelievers who remain on Earth will have a chance to convert to Christianity but will be hounded by the Antichrist and his minions. Then comes Armageddon, when God comes back to defeat Satan in a devastating battle. Ultimately, there is Judgment Day, when those who are with God live on in Paradise, and others are eternally condemned to Hell.

Yeah… I think I saw this film, it was called “Lord of The Rings”.

Personally I can’t wait for the rapture when all these idiots disappear from the earth. I think it will be a time of peace and prosperity. As for the Tribulation, isn’t George W. Bush the Anti-Christ? If he finally gets hounded out of office after next year (believe me, it might happen, there is a growing feeling that his lies are starting to catch up with him) we’ll have suffered 7 years of the little illiterate fuckwit. Oh-oh, maybe it is true…

Oh well, when Darth Vader comes back to battle Godzilla on Armageddon, I’m teaming up with Buck Rodgers to get off the planet. My idea of hell is a room full of Evangelical Christians.


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